When we’re worried or scared about our family members or what’s going to happen in the future it can feel overwhelming. When we see stories on the news, it makes sense for us to worry about what’s going to happen.
This can feel overwhelming when we either try to ignore the worries or think about them all at the same time.
What if we had a place where we could just hold them for now?…..where we could take them out one at a time to talk them through with someone else at home? Aha!…that’s where The Worry Box comes in handy! Also check out ‘Worry Bubbles’ in the Wellbeing Kit.

Source and decorate a small box, such as a tissue box.

Then, perhaps each night before bed, write down the thoughts that keep worrying you onto a piece of paper.

Fold the piece of paper and put it in the box.

The next day – take the notes out of the box and see if you still have those worries.

If they are no longer a worry, rip up the paper and throw it in the bin!

If you do, place them back in the box and decide which you could share with someone else.
Your worry box helps you to see the idea that these anxious feelings are simply thoughts that we can distance ourselves from.