Safety Kit

Myths and Facts about Coronavirus

It’s ok to feel worried and unsure at the moment because there are lots of things we are trying to learn about the coronavirus that we don’t understand. It’s important to remember that there is also a lot that we know already that can help us to feel reassured and safe.

There are some really great books that can help you to understand everything better…..

Dave the Dog is worried about Corona virus


Coronavirus: A book for children


Children’s Guide To Coronavirus


Coronavirus: Is everything you’ve heard true, or just a myth?

As news of the coronavirus spread first throughout China and then to the rest of the world, more and more people have been talking about it – which can be both a good and a bad thing.

It’s good because it means people will be more likely to listen to safety advice and do more to protect themselves and others.

However, not everyone talking about the coronavirus is using reliable sources of information and they could be saying things that aren’t actually true.

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Safety Kit

Den Building Challenge

Why do so many of us like building dens? Even adults like to do it, but they just use different names like ‘home office’ or ‘shed’. The thing is, they are our own spaces that make us feel good. They are safe, quiet and full of the things that we know are important.

Now seems like a pretty good time to have a place like that. The great thing is that you don’t need too much to build your own den, and you can keep adding to it as much as you like.

Here’s a few ideas, but you’re sure to have your own too.

Step 1: Building Materials

Dens can be made in any shape and out of any material, but here’s some really good basic ideas: gather bedsheets or any large pieces of material. Towels, big coats, or blankets all provide a good supply of cover. You’ll also need to think about what can hold things up – string, pegs, coat hangers and tape are super useful! 

Step 2: Inform

Let someone at home know your plans to make your den, just in case they are wondering where all the sheets have gone! We’re trying to avoid this when your parent arrives home!

Step 3: Construction

What are the different kinds of shelter that we can build? There’s loads of ideas but why not start by looking at these designs for bivvi shelters used for wild camping? They are super simple but keep you safe and dry!

Step 4: Test it out

If your attempts at building your den are still holding up (don’t worry if it took a few goes), it’s time to get yourself inside and see how it feels. Where might it need a bit of strengthening? Is it too dark or too light inside? How can you make a few adjustments to create a door or window? 

Safety Kit

Den Design

We’re hoping you’ve built your den by now, how’s it looking? Let’s turn to what happening on the inside…….of both you and the den! What we mean is that during these times when everything feels different and uncertain, it’s good to be surrounded by things that can help.

We want to decorate and furnish the den with things that can be healthy distractions or can make things feel a little easier. 

Here’s our Den Design Checklist. You’re Den can change into many different spaces throughout the day:

The Games Room

If you are feeling low and you feel like just curling up and hiding away, we know it can be good to ‘do the opposite’. Play your favourite computer game or watch a film that gets you on the edge of your seat. You’ll want to have all your favourite activities close to hand for when you feel the need to change how you’re feeling.

Den Furnishing

What needs to go in your Den? Think about how you like to feel. A blanket to curl up in, something soft to lie down on, something to lean against when you’re doing things or playing games. You don’t need to reorganise the entire house, just borrow a few items to get it properly equipped!

The Library

What’s around the house that you like reading or flicking through? If you’re having a difficult day and your feeling sad, it will help to read or watch something that creates other emotions. A thriller or adventure story would be a great thing to focus on, but keep a selection so that you have something to focus on when you’re feeling many different ways.

The Shed

Well if adults can have their place to make things, then so should we!

The den can become your space to make things for yourself but also for others. Keep your creative stuff in a box, gather some paper and think about the cards, pictures and messages that you can create for others. It really does help to focus on helping others get through the day with your creations

Den Decoration

The rainbow pictures that we see around really affect our mood. They give us hope and the colours uplift us. You can make one just for your own den, but you can also surround yourself with pictures of animals, people, friends, places that make you feel good!

Den Noticeboard

We can’t plan what we’ll be doing for certain in the future, but we can keep a list of things we definitely want to fit into our next few days. You can make a noticeboard using anything from an old piece of cardboard, to clothes pegs for attaching reminders of the ‘things to do’.

The Office

When you’re having to stay inside, it can be distracting to try and do your school work. The Den is  a good place where you can focus on what you’re doing. 

Den Signs

Let’s start by thinking of the basics: ‘This is MY den’, ‘Visits by Appointment Only’, ‘Do not disturb’, ‘Entrance this way’. You can also have signs that are there to encourage you. We all need some of that at the moment! ‘You will make it through!’, ‘There’s always a rainbow after the rain’.
