Right now everything may feel like it’s so far away from what you are used to. To help you and your family cope, having some new routines can be helpful, and they don’t have to be boring! A really quick and fun way of spending time together could be to create your own special ritual. Sharing a ritual can not only make you smile and laugh but can also help you to feel close even when you don’t have as much time together as normal.

Picking a family theme tune – why not get together as a family and agree on a favourite song which could become your own family theme tune – play this song out loud when you get up or to mark getting together again after a family member returns from work. You could even make it active by dancing along!

Create a dance routine – TikTok dances are everywhere – so why not make your own dance up at home and use it as a way of getting together, you could make your own video and share it with your friends.

Playing your favourite game – this could be a card game or something like Jenga but agreeing each day or week to play a game you enjoy is a great way to connect and enjoy each other.