Emergency Kit

This kit is like your ‘999’ box – it’s there for when everything is getting on top of you and you’re feeling super stressed! 

Inside you’ll find a whole number of really useful things that work every time to make it through the tricky times. 

One word of warning: don’t leave it until then to open this – explore the kit now so you can remember it when you’re too stressed to think! 

Building your Kit

  • The “STOP” skill
    When you are really upset, you can be impulsive and do things you might not normally do and regret later. STOP is a way of […]
  • Self Soothe
    Have you ever thought how good your senses are for picking up danger? Well, we they work the same way for helping us sense when […]
  • Muscle Relaxation
    When we have feelings that are really strong and intense, our bodies get tensed up and clenched even without us noticing. If our bodies can […]
  • Coping with Nightmares
    There are lots for all of us to get used to, and lots of things that we might be worried about. Even when we try […]
  • Paced Breathing
    If there’s one thing we always carry around with us that can help when we’re feeling distressed, it’s our breathing! When you your emotions are […]
  • Ice Challenge
    If you ever get to the point when you are boiling over with anger or upset, there’s one thing that works every time. If you […]