If you ever get to the point when you are boiling over with anger or upset, there’s one thing that works every time. If you put something very cold on your face and hold your breath, your body automatically slows right down, as if you’d fallen into a frozen river. If you learn how to use it, it’s like the ‘999’ skill. Try it first when you’re feeling ok, and you’ll automatically know how to use it when you’re too stressed to think.
Before you take the challenge, make sure you have a few things ready. You’ll need to make sure you have ice-cubes ready from the freezer, a washing up bowl or the sink will do, a timer on your watch or clock and of course a towel…….you’re going to get a wet face and hair if you do it properly!

Step 1: fill the bowl with cold water and add the ice. Leave for 5 minutes to let it get really cold. The colder the water, the more you will feel the effect.

Step 2: set the clock for 30 seconds and have someone ready to time.

Step 3: Get ready to do the challenge…5….4….3….2….deep breath!…..1……and dive!

Step 4: Hold your face in as long as you can. If you have to come up to take another breath, just dive back in until you hear the timer.

Step 5: Nice job! You did it. Find a chair and hold your face in the towel to dry off. Now sit up straight and notice the sensations you feel in your body.

Step 6: Get another member of your family to take the challenge too!
Remember: when you hold your breath and dive into cold water, you trigger the ‘mammalian dive reflex that happens to all mammals. This is a natural response that slows down our heart rate.
Other ways you try:
- Place a cold pack from the freezer over your eyes, temples and cheeks.
- Have a frozen wet flannel, or bottle of water in the freezer ready to use when needed, or even use a bag of frozen peas on your eyes, temples, and cheeks
- Or take a cold shower – GIVE IT A GO!!