Connection Kit

Ninja Postie

Showing you love and care for someone can be fun, especially when you use your ninja skills to secretly leave messages to be discovered…….without you being discovered!

Think about what you’d like to say to members of your family that you haven’t had a chance to. I wonder where you could sneakily hide the message to give an unexpected but caring surprise to someone you care about.

It could tell them how much you care, make them laugh or feel not so far away.

On a piece of paper write or draw something that will make mum/dad/carer smile. This could be telling them about something you did that day, saying something that you like about them, a nice picture or a joke.

Fold up your piece of paper when you’ve finished.

Now think about where you could hide your note for mum/dad/carer to find it – around the house or perhaps you could put it in their pocket when they’re not looking!

When mum/dad/carer get home from work if they haven’t already found your note, let them know it’s somewhere in the house and help them try to find it – you can let them know they are close by saying ‘hotter’ and ‘colder’ if they are further away until they find your note.

Mum/dad/carer can also play too by leaving you notes to find! 
