It’s normal that lots of worries come to visit us day-to-day but ever find that sometimes they stay a little too long? Bubbles make the perfect aircraft to help those worries move on.
If they decide to come back, we can say hello and get them back in their bubble car as many times as we need!

First, get a piece of paper and write your worries out, one in each bubble you draw

Now it’s time to make the Bubble Mix! You need washing up liquid, water and a bowl. To the bowl add one part washing up liquid to 6 parts of water. Stir it up!! Ask the adult at home with you, if they have any glycerine in the kitchen cupboards. Add a few drops to the mixture.

Now, we are nearly ready! In the house, maybe you have a cookie cutter, or a potato masher, or even a badminton racket. Test it out with your Bubble Mixture.

Now it’s time for action. Take a deep breath in and out. Picture your worries in the bubbles and watch them float away high into the clouds.